You can search our members by name, session number, agency or region. Note that session numbers are three digits. So if you are searching for session 13, you should type in 013.

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 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status
Aaron CowelsMilwaukee Police Dept02404/15/1944
Aaron GoldsteinEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Fond du Lac Police Dept26612/16/2016SW
Aaron OlsonEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Neenah Police Dept27709/13/2019SW- Sworn
Aaron WigenEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Sheboygan Falls Police Dept28206/09/2022SW
Aaron WilliamsEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Marquette County Sheriff's Office28903/15/2024SW- Sworn
Adam NagelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Appleton Police Dept28412/08/2022SW
Alan BakerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Racine Police Dept18003/24/1995SW- Sworn
Alan PepinLand O Lakes Police Dept20906/14/2002R
Alan SteffenSilver Lake Police Dept21512/05/2003R
Albert HentzMilwaukee Police Dept10106/19/1975
Alexander BoederWhitefish Bay Police Dept07811/02/1966D
Alexander RamirezEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Racine Police Dept22003/18/2005SW- Sworn
Alfonso GrahamBrookfield Police Dept14712/12/1986
Alfonso MoralesEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Fitchburg Police Dept24506/10/2011R
Allen LobermeierEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Ladysmith Police Dept23112/14/2007R
Allen MyszewskiWhitefish Bay Police Dept12506/12/1981D
Allen ShervenSheboygan Police Dept17912/16/1994D
Allen SpencerWisconsin Rapids Police Dept08906/07/1972
Allen TimmermanGreen Bay Police Dept18209/22/1995R
Allen WanekSheboygan Police Dept18609/13/1996R
Alton SchoepkeWhitefish Bay Police Dept10312/11/1975
Alvin BastingWauwatosa Police Dept05211/20/1953D
Alvin PetersenMilwaukee Police Dept09809/12/1974D
Amy KoeppelEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Brown Deer Police Dept.28103/17/2022SW
Amy ResnickEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Fox Point Police Dept23912/11/2009R
 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status