You can search our members by name, session number, agency or region. Note that session numbers are three digits. So if you are searching for session 13, you should type in 013.

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 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status
Ronald NinnemannWI Dept of Justice/DCI15009/25/1987
Robert ZiegertWisconsin Rapids Police Dept15009/25/1987R
Donald WerraMinocqua Police Dept15009/25/1987D
Thomas UltschRacine Cnty Sheriffs Ofc15112/18/1987R
Clement SpencerEmail hidden; Javascript is required.DHS / Transportation Security Administration15112/18/1987R
James KosekEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Monroe Police Dept15112/18/1987R
Dale SchunkEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Milwaukee Police Dept15203/25/1988R
John NiebuhrEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Vilas Cnty Sheriffs Ofc15203/25/1988R
Michael KrahnEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Eagle Police Dept15203/25/1988R
Douglas MuldoonEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Palm Bay Police Dept - Palm Bay, FL/ecoATM15306/17/1988R
Gust MoulasEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Elm Grove Police Dept15306/17/1988R
Wayne BaetsenEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Green Bay Police Dept15306/17/1988R
Charles McGeeWatertown Police Dept15306/17/1988R
Hugh MartinOconomowoc Police Dept15409/09/1988R
Robert DreifkeDane Cnty Sheriffs ofc15409/09/1988
John ButoracWest Allis Police Dept15409/09/1988
Barry WeberWauwatosa Police Dept15409/09/1988R
Jan KnudtenEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Waukesha Police Dept15512/09/1988R
Nanette HegertyMilwaukee Police Dept15512/09/1988R
Glenn FrankovisMilwaukee Police Dept15512/09/1988R
Michael BrooksWinnebago Cnty Sheriffs Ofc15512/09/1988
Ernie RosenthalButler Police Dept15603/29/1989R- Retired
Gary PieschekBrown Cnty Sheriff's Ofc15603/29/1989R
Francis NellisShawano Police Dept15706/16/1989R
Edward FlynnMilwaukee Police Dept15706/16/1989R
 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status