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 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status
Paul HetebruegWest Bend Police Dept09306/22/1973
Paul KusinskiPAULKUSINSKI@HOTMAIL.COMChicago Police Dept24609/16/2011R
Paul Lewistblgb33@yahoo.comGreen Bay Police Dept24312/10/2010R
Paul Marikpmarik@pleasantprairiewi.govPleasant Prairie Police Dept28206/09/2022SW- Sworn
Paul RepischakNew Berlin Police Dept25603/28/2014R
Paul SainsburyWI Dept of Justice/DCI13809/14/1984
Paul Stuhmerstuhmerp@gmail.comMilwaukee Police Department19512/11/1998SW- Sworn
Penny DrivasOneida Cnty Sheriffs Ofc05306/11/1954
Perry KingsburyWood Cnty Sheriffs Ofc19512/11/1998
Peter CloverGreen Bay Police Dept12209/12/1980R
Peter Freitagpjfmaqs@gmail.comFBI21706/11/2004R
Peter Habelpmhabel@hotmail.comJackson Police Dept17512/17/1993R
Peter HallUnited States Marshals Service11603/23/1979
Peter HillWisconsin State Patrol17306/18/1993
Peter KrosnickiAntigo Police Dept02104/10/1943
Peter Nimmerpnimmer@bdpolice.orgBrown Deer Police Dept.22609/15/2006SW- Sworn
Peter OstromSuperior Police Dept01004/01/1939
Peter Piercepeterdpierce@hotmail.comMilwaukee Police Dept21912/10/2004R
Peter RunningPjrunning917@gmail.comWinneconne Police Dept22312/16/2005R
Peter SchreiberWisconsin State Patrol14712/12/1986
Peter Thrunpethrun@gmail.comPortage Cnty Sheriffs Ofc12003/21/1980R
Peter TrillingVerona Police Dept19409/11/1998R
Philander HanyardMilwaukee Police Dept22906/08/2007R
Philip JohnsonMarathon Cnty Sheriffs Ofc11706/15/1979
Philip LentzWest Bend Police Dept12209/12/1980
 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status