You can search our members by name, session number, agency or region. Note that session numbers are three digits. So if you are searching for session 13, you should type in 013.

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 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status
Charles WarrenWisconsin State Patrol17603/25/1994R
Sherry WarichakMilwaukee Cnty Sheriffs Ofc19912/17/1999R
Mark WarichakMilwaukee Cnty Sheriffs Ofc18312/15/1995R
Nick WaninkWisconsin State Patrol22312/16/2005R
Allen WanekSheboygan Police Dept18609/13/1996R
Joseph WalkerWI Dept of Justice/DCI04004/01/1949R
William VossRacine Police Dept12003/21/1980R
Theodore VoigtWatertown Police Dept03806/25/1948R
Raymond VoelkerJanesville Police Dept09112/15/1972R
Victor VenusCudahy Police Dept16106/15/1990R
Louis VenaKenosha Cnty Sheriff Ofc16312/14/1990R
Donald VanstratenBrown Cnty Sheriffs Ofc09112/15/1972R
Craig Van SchyndleGreen Bay Police Dept20003/24/2000R
Michael Van RooMilwaukee Cnty Sheriffs Ofc19009/12/1997R
Raymond Van MaleGermantown Police Dept18712/13/1996R
Thomas UltschRacine Cnty Sheriffs Ofc15112/18/1987R
Andrew TruscottLa Crosse Police Dept17912/16/1994R
Jeffrey TrotnicJoplin Police Dept - MO22609/15/2006R
Peter TrillingVerona Police Dept19409/11/1998R
Richard TrendeHudson Police Dept17306/18/1993R
Daniel TrelkaSturgeon Bay Police Dept20803/22/2002R
Frank TomachekRacine Police Dept09203/30/1973R
Allen TimmermanGreen Bay Police Dept18209/22/1995R
Nanette HegertyMilwaukee Police Dept15512/09/1988R
Raymond HarrisMonroe Cnty Sheriffs Ofc11603/23/1979R
 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status