You can search our members by name, session number, agency or region. Note that session numbers are three digits. So if you are searching for session 13, you should type in 013.

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 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status
Derrick HarrisMilwaukee Police Dept25709/19/2014R
William HarperRock Cnty Sheriffs Ofc16803/20/0192R
Philander HanyardMilwaukee Police Dept22906/08/2007R
Jamie GuttenbergJackson Cnty Sheriffs Ofc22609/15/2006R
David GrovesHartford Police Dept23203/14/2008R
Gary GroelleRock Cnty Sheriffs Ofc23603/20/2009R
Timothy GossettUSMC13306/24/1983R
Herbert GoldschmidtBurlington Police Dept08305/28/1969R
James GilmoreFond du Lac Cnty Sheriffs Ofc17306/18/1993R
Steven GilmoreDane Cnty Sheriffs Ofc13409/23/1983R
Floyd GiffordWaterford Police Dept13512/16/1983R
John GieseElkhorn Police Dept12712/11/1981R
Ramon GalavizMilwaukee Police Dept16609/13/1991R
Gary GacekEmail hidden; Javascript is required.Milwaukee Police Dept23112/14/2007R
Walter GabrielBurlington Police Dept05706/08/1956R
Leland FulmerKenosha Police Dept17409/24/1993R
Glenn FrankovisMilwaukee Police Dept15512/09/1988R
Bryan FranckowiakBrookfield Police Dept27903/13/2020R
Edward FlynnMilwaukee Police Dept15706/16/1989R
Richard FlynnMilwaukee Police Dept10609/23/1976R
John FlegielWest Bend Police Dept20609/07/2001R
Jerianne FeitenMilwaukee Cnty Sheriffs Ofc20803/22/2002R
James EnfeltHayward Police Dept12403/20/1981R
Timothy EirichSheboygan Police Dept19809/24/1999R
Susan EdmanMilwaukee Police Dept16712/13/1991R
 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status