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 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status
Robert VenneFond du Lac Police Dept11203/24/1978D
Clarence ToepplerNeenah Police Dept05811/16/1956D
August TjaalandMilwaukee Police Dept14403/21/1986D
Michael SoucyLincoln Cnty Sheriffs Ofc20003/24/2000D
Allen ShervenSheboygan Police Dept17912/16/1994D
Leslie SharrockWaukesha Police Dept11306/16/1978D
Walter SchwenkEau Claire Cnty Sheriffs Ofc03010/26/1945D
Charles SchroederNew Berlin Police Dept17809/23/1994D
Roger SchoenfeldKenosha Cnty Sheriffs Ofc10506/17/1976D
John SayersLibertyville IL Police Dept12403/20/1981D
George SawyerWalworth Cnty Sheriffs Ofc03703/26/1948D
Richard SaderWaukesha Police Dept13706/15/1984D
Edward RudolphPort Washington Police Dept.10106/19/1975D
Gerald RoyMilwauke Police Dept12106/13/1980D
Donald RosenbauerGrafton Police Dept09112/15/1972D
Robert RohnerRacine Cnty Sheriffs Ofc11009/23/1977D
Harold RautenbergFond du Lac Police Dept06011/08/1957D
Edwin PurtellMilwaukee Police Dept05411/19/1954D
Richard PolzinRacine Police Dept13603/23/1984D
Bernard PetersonEau Claire Police Dep05106/12/1953D
Gary PetersonAppleton Police Dept11409/22/1978D
Alvin PetersenMilwaukee Police Dept09809/12/1974D
Thomas PerlewitzMilwaukee Police Dept10312/11/1975D
Edward PazderaTwo Rivers Police Dept02907/21/1945D
Eugene PaulsonSheboygan Cnty Sheriffs Ofc09203/30/1973D
 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status