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 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status
Ronald TewsSun Prairie Police Dept11809/14/1979
Thomas TettingWaukesha Technical Colllege12312/12/1980
Richard TerlikowskiWisconsin State Patrol11306/16/1978
William TedlieWinnebago Cnty Sheriffs Ofc20609/07/2001
Rodney TaubelUnited States Marshals Service10803/24/1977
Leonard SundermeyerClark Cnty Sheriff's Ofc12106/13/1980
LeRoy StraussManitowoc Police Dept08811/03/1971
Thomas SteingraeberWI Dept of Justice/DCI12106/13/1980
Jerry SteinerReedsburg Police Dept16803/20/0192
Garland SpratzWisconsin State Patrol10106/19/1975
Allen SpencerWisconsin Rapids Police Dept08906/07/1972
Gary SpatzWausau Police Dept18403/22/1996
Perry KingsburyWood Cnty Sheriffs Ofc19512/11/1998
 Name Email Agency Session Number Graduation Date Status